Nostrum Bluetooth Flex-Fuel E85 Ethanol Sensor Signal Interface Module (ESSIM)

$399.95 $349.95


Part #: E467-1143

The ESSIM is designed to connect to commonly available ethanol content sensors. It then transmits this data via Bluetooth, allowing you to view the ethanol content and fuel temperature on your mobile device.

The ESSIM also converts the ethanol content signal into an analog voltage signal and a CAN signal, which can be used by other OEM and third-party devices including data acquistion systems, displays and tuning software interface hardware. The fuel temperature sensor signal is converted to an analog voltage signal that can be output to other devices.

The module features a pass-thru/sensor simulation capability, which enables it to retransmit the ethanol content and temperature signals as frequency and duty cycle signals. This duplicates the original sensor signals, making it possible to install the Nostrum module in vehicles already equipped with ethanol content sensors. You can then view the data directly and in real-time via the Bluetooth app on your mobile phone.

Additionally, the ESSIM offers an optional feature that allows you to add a fuel pressure sensor to your vehicle. You can then monitor the fuel pressure using the APP on your mobile phone.

ESSIM inputs:

  • +12V switched power
  • Battery ground
  • Ethanol content & fuel temperature sensor signal (frequency & pulse width signal on a single wire)
  • Fuel pressure (0-5V)
  • Push button (used for pairing with a mobile device)

ESSIM outputs:

  • Ethanol content and fuel temperature sensor simulated sensor signal. Open collector output that will simulate the unloaded output of a standard sensor. Allows the Nostrum module to be installed in applications that already have an ethanol content sensor, allowing you to monitor the ethanol content and fuel temperature without impacting the vehicle measurements. Also allows the Nostrum module to connect to newer sensors and simulate older sensors, allowing older vehicles to use the newer, cheaper and more compact sensors.
  • Sensor power (switched +12V, 9-18V, not regulated, pass-through)
  • Sensor ground (pass-through Battery ground)
  • CAN Hi
  • CAN Lo
  • 0-5V analog output for ethanol content
  • 0-5V analog output for fuel temperature
  • +5V sensor power for fuel pressure sensor

ESSIM communications:

  • Wireless Bluetooth (BLE)

ESSIM on-board measurements:

  • Battery voltage
  • Module temperature
  • Number of power cycles
  • Run time

Software is free to download - no purchase necessary. Download the APP to look it over before buying. Scan the QR code in the images for a link to the APP.

Ethanol sensor not included.
